• Norcross Elementary School

    Principal: Kassia Sutton

    150 Hunt Street, Norcross, GA 30071

    Online Registration

    School Highlights

    The following school highlights showcase how Norcross Elementary School is fulfilling Gwinnett County Public School's four strategic priorities of Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. Visit the School Profile Dashboard to find more detailed data on our school.

    • The Norcross Elementary counseling department provided daily mindfulness practice to students to regulate emotions. Students that participated had a 37% decrease in behavior referrals.
    • The Norcross Elementary counseling department partnered with the Atlanta Food Bank to provide a free Drive Thru Pantry for the Norcross Cluster.
    • All students in 3rd-5th grade had the opportunity to participate in a 10-week reading initiative. Students were asked to read and record their minutes read over a 2 week span while answering comprehension questions about their books. Awards and recognitions were given to the top readers in each class. A class was awarded on each grade level for reading the most minutes.
    • The Norcross Elementary Play2Learn Program provided enriching and engaging learning experiences for about 30 children.
    • The Norcross ESOL Team facilitated two family engagement events to broaden our families' knowledge about the ACCESS assessment.
    • The Norcross Elementary Garden Club partnered with the City of Norcross for an Arbor Day Celebration. The third-grade students attended the celebration in downtown Norcross and participated in planting a new tree.
    • The Norcross Elementary provided opportunities for students to receive new books through the GCPS Book Mobile and the Book Blast Fundraiser.
    • The Norcross Elementary Robotics Club, Soarboats, participated in the First Lego League Competitions.
    • Norcross Elementary School participated in The Kids Heart Challenge to help students better understand healthy habits.
    • Norcross Elementary offered the following clubs to students: Art Club, Gardening Club, Robotics Club, Girls on the Run Club, Fitness Club, Readers Rally Team, Yearbook Club, and Peer Leader Team.
    • Norcross Elementary School was recognized by the Georgia Department of Education with Operational status for its implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in the last school year. PBIS encourages positive behaviors with recognition for students who exhibit appropriate school conduct.

    School Profile Dashboard