• Mulberry Elementary School

    Principal: Mandy Yearby

    442 East Union Grove Circle, Auburn, GA 30011

    Online Registration

    School Highlights

    The following school highlights showcase how Mulberry Elementary School is fulfilling Gwinnett County Public School's four strategic priorities of Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. Visit the School Profile Dashboard to find more detailed data on our school.

    • Mulberry celebrated Amanda Herrington as the Teacher of the Year for the 22-23 school year.
    • In an effort to provide increased experiences for students, Mulberry offered over 20 clubs for students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade.
    • Our PTA-sponsored events, such as Holiday Hotcakes and Bingo Night, saw large numbers of student and family participation.
    • Our supreme fundraising event, The Falcon Dash, raised over $50,000 and provided funding for a new awning on the car rider lane.
    • Student Council representatives conducted meetings and garnered feedback from their peers in order to fund student-requested playground equipment.
    • Our counselors facilitated an amazing career day for all students with participation from community partners and volunteers.
    • Students in the Robotics League participated in the county-level competition and gained a greater appreciation for teamwork and collaboration.
    • Our teachers participated in a vast number of professional learning in order to sharpen their skills in new math and language arts curriculum.
    • Mulberry is a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school. PBIS encourages positive behaviors with recognition for students who exhibit appropriate school conduct.

    School Profile Dashboard