• Duncan Creek Elementary School

    Principal: Carrie Yougel

    4500 Braselton Highway 124, Hoschton, GA 30548

    Online Registration

    School Highlights

    The following school highlights showcase how Duncan Creek Elementary School is fulfilling Gwinnett County Public School's four strategic priorities of Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. Visit the School Profile Dashboard to find more detailed data on our school.

    • Duncan Creek Elementary School received the CS100 Award. This honor, presented by CSisElementary and CSforAll, recognizes elementary schools that commit to teaching computer science (CS) to every K-5 student. All students at Duncan Creek Elementary School get the opportunity to take a Computer Science special. In this class, they learn the building blocks of how computers work, lay the foundation for further coursework that they will be able to take in middle school.
    • The Duncan Creek Elementary School's robotics team was the highest ranking FLL team in GCPS. The team won 2nd place in the state and earned an invitation to a national tournament.
    • Duncan Creek Elementary School offers students the opportunity to engage in extracurricular activities with numerous clubs. These clubs include FLL Robotics, Team, Technology Club, Running Club, Art Club, Tumbling Team, Singing Hawks Chorus, and Student Council. Student Council is by application and is reserved for students who exhibit strong character, leadership, and service.
    • All students at Duncan Creek Elementary School get the opportunity to take a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) special. In this class, they learn about and apply the engineering design cycle. In addition, all students keep a STEM journal in their classrooms to document connections made in their learning between science and math.
    • Duncan Creek Elementary School invited Stan Tucker, "Stan the Man", to present assemblies to the students as a literacy advocate and kindness ambassador. In addition to grade level assemblies, Mr. Tucker visited each classroom to connect with students. Over 200 students completed the 36 item Kindness Challenge.
    • In an effort to build community in the cluster and connect our students with future opportunities and mentors, Duncan Creek Elementary School celebrated the Mill Creek High School state champion football players with a parade through the hallways. Our upper grade math teachers collaborated with the high school players to present football themed math problems to students. Our first grade students attended the dress rehearsal of the Mill Creek theater's performance of "Cinderella". Former Duncan Creek Elementary School students who were Mill Creek seniors paraded the halls in their caps and gowns. It is great to be a Mill Creek Hawk!
    • For the first time since the pandemic, all students had the opportunity to go on field trips both within the local school and outside experiences.
    • Duncan Creek Elementary School was recognized by the Georgia Department of Education with Operational status for its implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in the last school year. PBIS encourages positive behaviors with recognition for students who exhibit appropriate school conduct.

    School Profile Dashboard