International Transition Center

Dedicated To Excellence In Education

  • Learning Links
    (Read With Me & Read Alouds - Saturday School Slides - Topics to Study)

About the ITC

  •  The International Transition Center (ITC) opened in August 2016 to serve English Language Learners, grades 7-11, who are newcomers to the American school system. The middle school's program of study seeks to accelerate the development of English proficiency and math skills to enable students to graduate within four years of entering high school. The high school's program of study seeks to accelerate the development of English proficiency, math skills, and the necessary career skills to enable students to transition to the workforce and/or adult educational opportunities. The International Transition Center (ITC) currently has sites at Berkmar HS, Central Gwinnett HS, Discovery HS, Duluth HS, Meadowcreek HS, and Norcross HS.

Our Principal

  • Dr. Steven Frandsen

    Hello and welcome to the International Transition Center!

    We are excited to work with your student through their journey of learning English and preparing for success in an American High School. The goal of the ITC is to increase your student’s English language proficiency, as well as build content knowledge in Math, Science, and Social Studies. We work closely with your student’s high school to ensure that your student maximizes their opportunities to earn credits for graduation and prepare for post-secondary options.

    We thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your student’s educational journey!

    Steve Frandsen, Principal
    International Transition Center


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