White Oak Elementary School

Thinkers, Learners, and Leaders

  • Conference Scheduling

    We will be holding Early Release conferences on October 23 and 24. One of our Local School Plan for Improvement goals this year centers around Excellence, including world-class engagement. Our goal is 100% attendance for these conferences. Families can choose either in-person or virtual conferences. These conferences are an essential way for us to partner with you to ensure that your child is on track for academic and social-emotional success. Our teachers have a lot to share, so please see the link below to sign up for a conference with your child’s teacher.

    Link:  Conference Scheduling

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  • White Oak Events Calendar

    Here's a link to the White Oak student calendar of events:

    White Oak Student Calenar

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  • Tech Support

    Need tech support for your White Oak student's GCPS Chromebook?  Please use the link below to complete a tech ticket.  A member of White Oak's Technology Support Team will contact you to provide assistance.

    Link:  White Oak Tech Support


  • Connect With Us on Social Media