- Gwinnett County School District
- Alcova Elementary School
School Profiles
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- Woodward Mill Elementary School
Alcova Elementary School
Principal: Jacquetta Baldwin
770 Ewing Chapel Road, Dacula, GA 30019
School Highlights
The following school highlights showcase how Alcova Elementary School is fulfilling Gwinnett County Public School's four strategic priorities of Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. Visit the School Profile Dashboard to find more detailed data on our school.
All students at Alcova Elementary School get the opportunity to take a Computer Science special. In these classes, they learn the building blocks of how computers work, laying the foundation for further coursework that they will be able to take in middle school.
Alcova Elementary School allows students to engage in various extracurricular activities with seven clubs, including Alcova Singers, Alcova D.R.U.M., Good News Club, Boys with Purpose, Drama, Reader's Rally, and Robotics. Over 200 students participated in at least one extracurricular club last school year.
Alcova Elementary School allows students to engage in Agriculture STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) specials. During this special, the students help care for our STEM Garden and Alcova's chickens. The students learn about sustainability and how to take care of our environment. They are also able to learn about the lifecycle of a plant and chickens. The produce and eggs collected through AgSTEM allow Alcova to help less fortunate families in our area.
Alcova's Robotics team, the "Cybirds", participated in several local and regional competitions. At the Gwinnett Lego League Festival, our K & 1st grade students won the Core Values Award, and the 2nd and 3rd grade Explore Team won the Coding Award. At the Gwinnett County Super Regional Tournament, our 4th and 5th grade Challenge Team were the Core Values Champions.
This year Alcova hosted several community engagement events. Our Literacy STEM night, International Multicultural Celebration, and Community Kickball Tournament each brought hundreds of guests to the school.
This year Alcova received a grant from Gwinnett Foundations for $8500 to purchase a book vending machine. Students worked hard to meet their individual literacy goals and earned tokens to visit the book machine.
Alcova is a PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support) school. PBIS encourages positive behaviors with recognition for students who exhibit appropriate school conduct.