• Department of Accountability and Assessment

    The Department of Accountability and Assessment provides leadership in the implementation of a balanced assessment system, utilizing national, state, and district assessments. Assessment is an integral part of the curriculum and instruction framework, wherein feedback on student progress toward mastery of the AKS is gained.

    Our Vision

    The Department of Accountability and Assessment supports GCPS’ vision of becoming a system of world-class schools by providing data regarding the progress of student learning through multiple measures, in order to increase student achievement.

    Our Mission

    The Department of Accountability & Assessment implements a balanced assessment system and delivers professional learning to support the use of data for the improvement of academic achievement.

    Major responsibilities of the Department of Assessment and Accountability include:

    • Development of District Assessments and Gwinnett Writes Assessments
    • Assessment Literacy Professional Learning Opportunities
    • Gwinnett Writes Professional Learning and Scoring Opportunities
    • Successful administrations of local, state, and national assessments
    • State Accountability
  • Executive Director Picture







    Miranda McLaren
    Executive Director