Ready to learn with the GCPS Virtual Backpack!

  • 2023 Virtual Backpack

    Gwinnett County Public Schools welcomes all students to the 2023-24 school year on Wednesday, August 2, and in-person learning will begin for all grades.

    To help students and families prepare for the 2023-24 school year, please review GCPS’ 2023-24 Virtual Back-to-School Backpack for Families below. This toolkit includes links to important information and district resources for families as we partner to support student success. Join us as we count down to the first day of school!

  • Get connected! -- Find the resources to support student success in GCPS!
  • Nourish growing minds... Energize with Café Gwinnett!
  • Power Up For Success!
  • Support for Safe and Healthy Students!
  • Be Ready for a Great School Year!