Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

  • Who We Are and What We Do

    Brookwood FCA is an opportunity for students to share and experience Jesus together.  Our mission is to help equip students to lead others in worship, Bible study and prayer.  There will be a large gathering on the last Friday of each month to worship, learn, pray and build unity.  Smaller group student led gatherings available during the week.


    Last Friday of every month (except November/December) in the Gold Gym at 6:30 -7:10 a.m.

    August 25, September 29, October 27, December 1, January 26, February 23, March 29, April 26

    Activities or Events

    Bible study, worship, videos, fellowship, games, breakfast, fun!   

    Community Volunteers

    Shane Smith shane@gfc.tv, and Kamal Sajja kamal@gfc.tv from Grace Fellowship Church.  Website: www.fcacwm.com

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