Rho Kappa - Honor Society for Social Studies


About Rho Kappa

  • Rho Kappa is committed to promoting scholarship and academic excellence in social studies among high school students. It aims to provide opportunities for exploration in social studies in secondary school environments and the community, as well as encourage student's interest in, understanding of, and appreciation for social studies. Rho Kappa is derived from words that mean head and palm of the hand, symbolizing intelligence and service.

    National organization: socialstudies.org/rhokappa

Civic Engagement

  • Rho Kappa's 2023-24 induction ceremony was held in September, with the largest group in recent years. The social studies honor society inductees lit candles and pledged to lead with service, work with knowledge, speak with wisdom, value truth.

2023-24 Meetings

  • All meetings will be held in the Maroon Gym Lobby.

    Fall 2023
    9/28, 10/11, 10/26, 11/9, 11/29, 12/7

    Spring 2024
    1/10, 1/18, 2/14, 2/22, 3/6, 3/21, 4/17  

Teacher Sponsors

  • Social Studies
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