Junior Classical League (Latin Club)

  • Formed in 1936, the National Junior Classical League (NJCL) is an organization of junior and senior high school students sponsored by the American Classical League. Composed of local and state/provincial chapters across the United States, Canada, and Australia, it is the largest Classical organization in the world today with over 50,000 members. Its purpose is to encourage an interest in and an appreciation of the language, literature, and culture of ancient Greece and Rome and to impart an understanding of the debt of our own culture to that of Classical antiquity.

    We believe that through the National Junior Classical League:

    • We will gain an active appreciation and understanding of the civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome, thereby better enabling us as individuals to interpret and appraise our world today.
    • We have a sound structure, which provides a sound basis for the expansion of our horizons and perspectives, intellectually, socially, and aesthetically.
    • We have a viable organization, which can effectively create in others a sense of awareness, interest, and appreciation as far as the value of the Classics is concerned.
    You can easily join the Brookwood High School Junior Classical League on MyPaymentsPlus!
    Your $25 dues will provide a t-shirt and a myriad of amazing activities including (but not limited to!):
    • Ice Cream Social
    • Fall Forum 
    • Bingo
    • Tie Dye Togas
    • Cookie and Pumpkin Decorating
    • Saturnalia
    • State Latin Convention 
    • Club Cookouts


Club Happenings