• Students for Christ
    Mission: Students for Christ is a student-created club. SFC’s mission is to provide all people, including Christians, a space to learn more about Christ, develop in their relationship with God, and extend the Gospel beyond the Church. SFC seeks to strengthen student involvement in the community, while also providing service and support to BHS events. SFC is driven to building Christian relationships within Brookwood and creating  a faith-based community where all students are welcome. 

    * Bible study

    * Community outreaches — evangelism 

    * Worship

    * Fun activities to learn more about the Bible — challenges, scavenger hunts, jeopardy, games

    * Theological study sessions

    * Community service/volunteering**

    * Movie nights — watching Biblical movies & shows

    * Youth conferences — at local Churches

    Meets: Every other Wednesday after school.  
    Brittney Cooper, Ginny Hanley, and Katie Daly