About the Program

  • Below is information about the Student Ambassador Program from this section of the Georgia Secretary of State’s website


    Georgia Secretary of State's office launched the Student Ambassador Program in January 2016. The goal of the Secretary of State's Student Ambassador Program is to provide Georgia's high school students an opportunity to engage as leaders within their schools and communities. Through the program, students gain leadership experience by engaging in Georgia civics, encouraging voter registration among their peers and volunteering within their communities. The Secretary of State's office has already partnered with over 150 high schools all across Georgia since 2016.


    The Secretary of State's Student Ambassador Program is designed for 10th-12th grade students. Each school is allowed to nominate up to nine (9) students to represent their school. In the fall each group will attend a regional Kick-Off event where they receive all the training and resources that they will need to be successful in the program. Then they take what they have learned back to their communities. The students decide as a team what their goals are for their school and the means of achieving them. Throughout the year, the teams will organize and carry out various events. For each event that they conduct, they receive points towards our statewide competition. The school with the most points at the end of the year is recognized at the Student Ambassador Awards Ceremony.


    Sponsor: Danielle Kaiser
    Classroom: B124

Forms and Documents

2023-24 Ambassadors

  • 12th Grade

    Katie AlvarezWilliam KaiserPraise Oladiti

    11th Grade

    Marium IqbalKhang NguyenSapna Patel


    10th Grade

    Matthew Evenchick
    Erick NavaChelsea Gayle