Meeting Info

  • Meeting Dates 2024-25:

    We meet 8:15am - 9:00am on the following Tuesdays:

    • 9/26/24
    • 10/24/24
    • 11/14/24
    • 12/19/24
    • 01/23/25
    • 2/27/25
    • 3/27/25
    • 4/24/25
    • 5/15/25

    Meeting Location:


    Comments (-1)

Peer Leader Club

  • Mission:

    To develop student leadership skills by providing training, programs, and opportunities for students to serve their fellow students, school, and community.

    Description of Activities:

    Peer Leaders participate in a variety of activities in our school which may include peer tutoring, serving as greeters to new students, conducting school tours, promoting school-wide events, serving as role models, serving as mentors, and assisting teachers and staff. Peer Leaders will attend the Middle School Peer Leader Conference in the fall.

    Student Requirements:

    Students are recommended by their 7th grade teachers at the end of the 7th grade school year. Applicants need exemplary attendance, behavior, and academic standing with a current "A" or "B" average. Recommended students receive, complete, and submit a Peer Leader Application. Peer Leaders are selected from all applicants by a committee of teachers and staff. Students will be expected to attend all meetings held once or twice a month before school at 8:15 am. Transportation to before school meetings is required.


    The participation fee for peer leaders is $30.00 and covers a peer leader t-shirt, Fall Peer Leader Conference fee and general activity fees for the school year.

    Permission Forms:

    Parents must sign a permission form for their student to participate in Peer Leaders. An additional permission form must be signed to attend Peer Leader Conference in the fall.

Contact Info