Meeting Info

  • Meeting Dates 2024-25:

    Informational Meeting: August 22 @ 8:15 AM in the Media Center

    Reading Quiz opportunities given the week of October 21 during Hawk Time (9:20am - 9:50am)

    Regular meetings will take place on Monday afternoons from 4:30-6:00 PM on the following dates:

    • November  4,11 and 18
    • December 2, 9 and 16
    • January 6, 13 and 27
    • February 3, 10 and 17 (Student's Choice)

    The Readers Rally competition will be held Saturday, February 22, 2025, 9:00am - 1:00pm, at Peachtree Ridge High School.

    Meeting Location:

    Media Center


    Comments (-1)

Readers Rally

  • Mission:

    Readers Rally's main objective is to compete in the District Readers Rally competition on February 22, 2025, at Peachtree Ridge High School.

    Description of Activities:

    To reach this goal, participants will be selected based upon application and performance on a written quiz over the ten books on the GCPS Middle School Readers Rally list. Members of the Readers Rally Team will create questions, quiz each other, and practice for the district competition beginning in November.

    Student Requirements:

    Club members must have a signed permission slip and Media Release form (to be given to students closer to the competition date). Club members must read the ten books on the Gwinnett County Readers Rally List, attend meetings, and attend the competition.


    The only cost will be the price of a t-shirt that will be designed by the team. The cost of the t-shirt will not exceed $25.

Contact Info