Parent Mentor Meeting Schedule

  • Virtual Zoom “EVERY DAY MAGIC” Camp

    ​Learning and performing magic tricks has been shown to benefit children and adults with disabilities. The approach is being shown to be an effective treatment technique as it promotes motivation and improves physical, psychological, perceptual, or social functions in those who participate. For this reason, the University of Alabama at Birmingham is hosting the EVERY DAY Magic Camp free of charge to students with disabilities.

    ​Who: Students with disabilities ages 9–18 years of age.

    ​What: Parent Mentors Present: “Locating and Understanding Resources within the Community”

    ​When: Camp 1: June 3 to June 28, 2024

    ​ Camp 2: July 8 to August 2, 2024

    ​Where: virtually via Zoom. For additional information, email Arts in Medicine at


    Georgia Department of Education Parent Trainings

    ​In honor of Autism Acceptance Month and in response to a growing need, the GaDOE has partnered with Emory Autism to provide two parent training sessions.

    ​Who: Families of students with disabilities

    ​When And Where: See dates listed below and utilize the hyperlinked title to join the zoom session.

    Maintaining Structure and Routines

    ​May 2, 2024, 12:00 - 1:00 PM.


    Annual Parent Involvement Survey

    ​Who: Families of students who are receiving special education services.

    ​What: Each state is required to conduct a parent survey to measure parent/family perceptions of the success of parent engagement between home and local schools.

    ​When: Available through May 31, 2024.

    ​Where: Parents can complete the survey via the survey link below. We ask that a copy of the attached letter be sent home with every SWD student. Additionally, we ask that the letter(s) and survey link be posted on your special education teacher's e-class pages as well as your school website. Our goal is to ensure that all parents are aware of the survey and can have the opportunity to participate.

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If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.