What is the District Tech Check?
It is a way for teachers to ensure that students are ready for digital learning and can access the technology tools that will be used in class. It also allows the district to test all of its systems and programs, tracking any technical issues and/or concerns shared by students, families, or teachers.
When is the District Tech Check?
The Tech Check will be held from 11:00am until 11:30am on Monday, August 10.
How do I participate in the District Tech Check?
Please log into eCLASS and visit your first period teacher's page. You will find instructions there.
Student Passwords?
Student passwords were not reset over the summer, so passwords from last school year should still work. Students who are new to GCPS should activate their accounts using these instructions.
Clearing Your Cache:
Many access issues can be resolved by clearing your cache. Click here for instructions.
How do I report a problem accessing the District Tech Check?
Please complete this form to report problems accessing the District Tech Check. If you are able to access the Tech Check, but have problems during the process, please complete the feedback form on the teacher's course page.