- Osborne MS
- Athletics
Student Athlete Requirements
Athletic Participation Forms
The Mill Creek Cluster uses Rank One for all pre-participation and physical forms.
Parents are required to have an account set up and all forms completed for their athlete prior to participating in any athletic activity at the school.
Insurance Policy
Each student must be covered by either the school-approved accident insurance policy or by a family policy. A form signed by the parent stating that the student is adequately covered by accident insurance with equal policies must be on file at the local school before the student should be allowed to participate. This signature is a part of the Physical Form.
Physical, Medical History, and Warning Form
Each student must have a physical examination prior to being allowed to participate in a sport. Physicals are good for one calendar year. A Medical History and Warning form should be sent home and signed by the parents stating that they give permission for their child to participate in each sport and authorizing each head coach to act on behalf of the student in case of an emergency. This is a part of the Physical Form.
Athletic Code of Conduct
The Athletic Code of Conduct is designed to establish high expectations for student athletes. The Code of Conduct establishes minimum consequences. Coaches should review the Code of Conduct with both student athletes and parents. A copy of the signed student/parent form should be kept on file at the school.
Tryout Age Requirements
All students must be currently enrolled in the specific school and must be academically eligible in order to try out for basketball. Repeating 7th or 8th graders are not eligible to participate. The maximum number of players on a basketball team is 15 and the cheerleading team is 20.
Concussion Awareness Form
A concussion awareness form will be given to all students who make the basketball and cheerleading team. One copy of the form will be signed by the student and parent/guardian and returned to the coach. Students will also take the ImPACT Concussion test. This test will be administered by a Certified Athletic Trainer. Notify Nathan Martin and Adrianna Johnson immediately concerning all concussions.
No student will be permitted to practice or participate in athletic activities on a school day if they have not been in attendance at least one-half of the day (three periods-exceptions must be approved by local administration). Athletic activities must not be allowed to interfere with the regular school day. Coaches should keep a close check on and encourage all athletes to give proper emphasis to academic achievement.
In-School Suspension
No students will be permitted to practice or participate in athletic activities on a school day if they have served in-school suspension.
Middle School ticket prices are set by the Board of Education and schools may not charge more than the advertised amount. Tickets for regular-season basketball games are $4 for both adults and students.
Osborne Middle School has implemented a Card & Mobile Payment Only ticketing policy at all athletic events. Fans will be able to purchase tickets online through the Osborne Middle School GoFan page, the GoFan app or by presenting a debit/credit card at the ticket gate.
Student Guidelines for Attending Home Games
- As fans, all Osborne students, parents, and staff cheer for our team. We do not “boo” the opposing team-even if they boo us first!
- All Osborne students sit together and watch the game. Students are not permitted to run around the MCHS gym or cafeteria.
- All Osborne students are respectful of adults and their presence (wanting to enjoy the game), as well as their directions. If an adult asks a student to follow directions, they are expected to do it. This applies to the adults from opposing schools, as well.
- As fans, Osborne students are not allowed on the court during the game or after the game, unless it is part of a school-sponsored event.
- Osborne students are not permitted to stand behind the goals on the upper or lower level.
- Before the beginning of the fourth quarter, Osborne students will be asked to text or call their parent(s) to inform them that the game will be ending soon and they will need to be picked up in front of MCHS.
- All OMS students, staff, players, coaches, and fans will represent themselves and their school community to the fullest by not being taunted into inappropriate behavior that will reflect poorly on our school.