Meeting Info

  • Meeting Dates 2024-25:

    We meet at 8:00am on the following dates:

    TBD, 4:00-6:00pm - Chamber SInger Auditions 

    • September 4, 11, 18, 25
    • October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
    • November 6, 13, 20
    • December 4, 11, 18
    • January - 8, 15, 22, 29
    • February - 5, 12, 19, 26
    • March - 5, 12, 19, 26
    • April - 2, 16, 22, 30
    • May - 7, 14

    Meeting Location:

    Chorus Room

    Comments (-1)

Osborne Chamber Singers

  • Mission:

    To provide Chorus students with the opportunity to rehearse and perform high caliber Choral music at all Choral concerts, Large Group Performance Evaluation, and other community events.

    Description of Activities:

    The Chamber Singers, consisting of approximately 40 voices, is Osborne Middle School’s premier Choral ensemble. Rehearsing every Friday morning at 8:00am, these singers join to form a mixed ensemble (Soprano, Alto, and Baritone) with the goal of performing high caliber Choral music. All 7th and 8th grade students enrolled in a Chorus class are eligible to audition in the Fall using provided audition materials (scales, sight reading, and an excerpt of a concert selection). The Chamber Singers are held to a higher level of leadership and responsibility.

    To provide Chorus students with an additional opportunity to rehearse and perform "popular" selections of music.


    Georgia Music Educators Association


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