Advisement Dates

  • Advisement is held during SOAR time on select Fridays.

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  • Osborne’s advisement program is designed to instill a love of life-long learning for students, while providing them with a format to discuss social issues. This combination has proven to be meaningful and enriching to our students, as well as to our teachers. The student/teacher relationship is a crucial component of developing a sense of community and building a positive school culture that is pervasively academic while supporting students’ emotional, social, and intellectual needs.

    Osborne students participate in advisement sessions multiple times throughout the school year. Many of the themes discussed during advisement deal with community interests and personal growth. Topics such as setting goals, how to deal with cyber bullying, social skills, resolving conflicts, and test taking tips are highlighted. Lessons are devised to be interactive and collaborative, which makes advisement even more meaningful because students are forming relationships not only with peers, but with teachers as well.