• Discovery Design

  • Discovery Design: An in-house, made-to-order, student-run business


    What is Discovery Design?


    IN-HOUSE: We are housed inside the CSEC and are managed by your very own graphic design teachers, Hannah White & Annette Lefert.


    MADE-TO-ORDER: Do you have a print need or idea for merch for your class, club, sport, or event? Our designers will bring your idea to life.


    STUDENT-RUN: Our team hires students from the graphic design and marketing pathways to give them real world experience. They meet with you, they design for you, they print for you, and they deliver to you.


    BUSINESS: We are a school based enterprise. That means that we are a business or vendor just like any other. We do charge for our services, but we also do our best to keep our prices low and price match online competitors to give our students as many opportunities as possible.


    Already have an idea or need? Email the managers at discovery.design@gcpsk12.org