- Discovery HS
- Overview
Summer School Reboot at Discovery

Content Accordion
Discovery High School Summer School is in session from Monday, June 13, 2022 to Thursday, July 7, 2022. Because of the length of the class (four hours) and the shortness of the summer school semester (17 days), students are required to attend class for a minimum of 16 days. A student may miss no more than one day of summer school. On the second absence or a combination of absences and tardies equaling two absences, the student will be withdrawn from the class with no refund. There are no exceptions to this policy. If the student and parent know that the student cannot meet this attendance requirement, the student and parent should consider another summer school format, such as Gwinnett Online Campus.
There are no excused absences for summer school. All absences count including, but not limited to: illness, medical emergencies, death in the family, or vacation. Summer School will follow the GCPS COVID protocol.
Tardy Policy
Classes will meet from June 13 through July 7.
No classes on June 20th or July 4, 2022.
Tardiness affects learning and is disruptive to the class. See consequences below:
Late to class (after the bell rings, in the first 30 minutes)= 1 tardy
3 tardies = 1 absence
Late to class (more than 30 minutes) = 1 absence
2 absences = Withdrawal from summer school (no refund)
Final Exams
Objective final exams will be given to all students. These comprehensive exams are GCPS exams. Some courses may require a State End of Course Assessment. Final exams count 20% of the final grade. There are NO exemptions for finals. There will be no performance exams during summer school. Teachers may NOT excuse students from exams and may NOT give exams early. Students who cheat on the final exam will be given an alternate exam to take with a zero averaged into the grade. Parents will be called any time a student cheats.
Breakfast and Lunch during Summer School
Breakfast and lunch will be provided for students in the DHS Summer School Program every day at no cost to the student. The GCPS School Nutrition Program will be providing meal service to summer school students during the half-hour lunch break, just as during the regular school year. Students also may bring their lunch from home. Students on campus for both 1st and 2nd period classes may NOT leave campus between classes for any reason. Leaving campus will result in a one-day suspension (an absence for attendance purposes).
Course Offerings
- All courses are single -semester classes-equal to a .5 unit of credit.
- Courses may fill up quickly, so early registration is encouraged.
- Designated courses require a state-mandated End of Course (EOC) assessment, as noted.
- Gwinnett County Public Schools will pay for up to two summer school classes for high school students needing to retake a class they previously failed. The district is offering this option to students at no cost to address COVID-related learning gaps and to provide students with an additional opportunity to earn credit for courses failed this year.
- Course offerings will be dependent on the number of students registering for the particular course as well as staff availability.
- All registrations will be approved by a DHS counselor prior to students being enrolled.
Classroom disruptions or disregard of directions of the teacher or administrators will NOT be tolerated. Consequences are at the discretion of the administrators and may include a warning, suspension, expulsion from summer school and/or a county disciplinary hearing.
It is the parent's responsibility to provide transportation. No buses will be running during summer school. Students should not arrive before 6:45 a.m. and should leave campus no later than 10 minutes after their last class. Security is very strict on Gwinnett County Public School campuses. No student should be on campus at an inappropriate time. Any student on campus at an inappropriate time will be subject to consequences including possible suspension. After the 2nd late pickup from DHS following a student's last class, the student will be withdrawn from the Summer School Program and no credit for the class will be received, nor will any refunds be issued.
Credit Recovery
Credit Recovery is a separate program offered from June 13, 2022-June 17, 2022. Discovery High School offers online Credit Recovery courses for students in GCPS. DHS Credit Recovery classes are taken through GA Virtual School and are aligned to the standards. DHS Credit Recovery courses are a teacherless course where students work at their own pace to complete all course requirements within the current term. Courses are designed to target gaps in student learning. Students must show mastery of the AKS through assessments in the course, including the final exam or End of Course test that may be required.
Students must meet GCPS criteria to be eligible for Credit Recovery classes.
Credit Recovery courses are NOT NCAA eligible.Summer 2022 Credit Recovery Registration Dates: March 31, 2022-June 10, 2022
- Gwinnett County Public Schools will pay for up to two summer school credit recovery classes for high school students needing to retake a class they previously failed. The district is offering this option to students at no cost to address COVID-related learning gaps and to provide students with an additional opportunity to earn credit for courses failed this year.
- You must qualify for a credit recovery course based on GCPS policy. Enrollment will be verified by a school counselor. Your request may be denied if you do not meet this requirement.
- Students are only eligible for Credit Recovery if the previous final grade in the attempted course was between 50-69.
- Students are limited to two summer school classes.
- All students must register through GoFan.
- All Credit Recovery courses require in-person attendance throughout the week.
- Students must pass the in-person Final Exam or EOC with a 70% or higher to earn credit.
- Students must complete the entire course and final exam/EOC to earn credit by the end of the term.
- If you have previously started a credit recovery course in a different session or school year, you may be charged a $25 fee to finish the credit recovery session.