- Gwinnett County School District
- Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies
Assessment and Feedback
Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies
Foundational Strategy
The Assessment with Feedback strategy requires teachers to frequently observe, assess, and monitor students’ progress towards mastery of the AKS, providing students with ongoing feedback on their progress, and adjusting instruction to increase student learning. Teachers and students should be jointly engaged in setting, reviewing, and monitoring progress towards mastery learning goals.
When using Assessment with Feedback, the teacher will implement frequent informal formative assessments as a part of the instructional cycle and provide timely, specific, and actionable feedback. The teacher will use assessment information to differentiate instruction and support student progress towards mastery of the AKS. Students act on feedback to demonstrate individual progress towards mastery of the AKS.
Assessment with Feedback does not take place in isolation, is not based on a student's grade, and is never purely summative. It is most effective when teacher and student are jointly engaged, with students receiving specific, timely, and actionable feedback on their progress and teachers using the information to be responsive to student learning to differentiate and personalize instruction.
- Fisher, D. & Frey, N. (2015). Checking for understanding. Formative assessment techniques for your classroom. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
- Knight, J. (2013). High-impact instruction. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
- Chappuis, J., Stiggins, R., Chappuis, S., & Arter, J.A. (2012). Classroom assessment for student learning: Doing it right- using it well (2nd ed). Boston, MA: Pearson.
- William, D. & Leahy, S. (2015). Embedding formative assessment: Practical techniques for K -12 classrooms. West Palm Beach: Learning Sciences International
- Marzano, R.J. (2017). The new art and science of teaching: More than fifty new instructional strategies for student success. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press. P. 11-27
- Keeley, P. & Tobey, C.R. (2011). Mathematics Formative Assessment: 75 Practical Strategies for Linking Assessment, Instruction, and Learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin
- Keeley, P. (2008). Science Formative Assessment: 75 Practical Strategies for Linking Assessment, Instruction, and Learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Look Fors
The Teacher will…
- frequently assess students’ learning in a variety of ways.
- use assessment information to differentiate instruction, provide timely and useful feedback, and guide students to monitor and reflect on their own progress towards mastery of the AKS.
The Students will…- monitor and reflect on academic progress as a part of learning and assessment of the AKS— formative and summative.
- act on feedback to demonstrate learning of the AKS.
Model Lessons
Decimals and Powers of 10: Sticky Bars
Students will explain the patterns in the placement of a decimal point when the decimal is multiplied by the power of 10.
Exponential Functions: Back-to-Back/ Face-to-Face
Students will determine if statements about exponential functions are true or false and be able to verbally justify their thinking to their partner.
Simplifying Expressions: Justified True/False Statements
The students will draw upon mathematical concepts and procedures to analyze their validity.
Understanding Transformations of Functions: Feedback Protocol
Students will use mathematical vocabulary to accurately describe the effects of transformations on a parent quadratic function using the TAG protocol.
What's Your Subtraction Strategy?
Students will justify their strategies for solving an addition or subtraction problem.
Math ES 1197-2
In this video, the teacher is providing timely feedback to monitor student progress as students work in small groups.
Math HS 1207-11
In this video, the students work to explain their solutions while the teacher asks follow up questions for clarification.
Math HS 1207-12
In this video, students work to analyze, assess, and communicate their thinking on the math task.
Math HS 1207-5
In this video, the teacher provides a structure for students to self-assess their learning throughout the task.
Math HS 1207-7
In this video, the teacher assess student understanding on the task and calls for students to reflect on their progress.
Math HS 1207-8
In this video, the teacher poses questions for students to analyze and discuss their mathematical thinking.
Math MS 1219-7
In this video, the teacher purposefully poses questions throughout the teacher-led small group for students to clarify and expand their thinking.
For any questions with this guide or its content, please call Instructional Support at (678) 301-6804.