• Questioning

Frequent Use Strategy

  • The Questioning strategy requires the teacher to purposefully plan and pose high-level questions during teaching and learning that cause students to clarify and expand their thinking.

    When using Questioning, the teacher purposefully asks strategic questions to help students clarify their thinking and share their reasoning. Students make sense of learning by thinking about it, connecting it to prior learning, and clustering it into larger concepts. They think deeply and strategically, applying knowledge and skills in response to probing questions.

    Questioning is not teacher centered, a list of close-ended, recall questions, or a checklist of test questions. Questioning is most effective when teachers pose questions that require thought, allow students to answer questions in a variety of ways, and when teachers build students’ ability to ask their own probing questions.

Look Fors

  • The Teacher will…
    • purposefully plan & pose questions during teaching & learning that cause students to clarify & expand their thinking.
    • consistently provide appropriate wait time & strategically allow silent “think time” before asking for student response.
    • use & model a variety of questioning strategies to engage all students to think about & share their learning.
    The Students will…
    • make sense of learning by thinking about it, connecting it to prior learning, and clustering it into larger concepts.
    • think deeply & strategically, applying knowledge & skills in response to probing questions.
    • respond to peers’ thinking through reflection & further questions.
    • think aloud & explain reasoning when solving problems.

Model Lessons


  •  kids sitting on the floor watching teacher

    Math ES 1196-3

    In this video, the teacher leads a differentiated small group through building an understanding of the AKS through manipulatives and purposeful questioning.

    Comments (-1)
  • Teacher giving students at table instructions

    Math HS 1207-11

    In this video, the students work to explain their solutions while the teacher asks follow up questions for clarification.

    Comments (-1)
  • Student in front of classroom

    Math HS 1207-2

    In this video, the teacher scaffolds student learning through purposeful questioning.

    Comments (-1)
  • Teacher teaching students in classroom

    Math HS 1207-4

    In this video, students exchange their ideas in response to the teacher's probing question regarding the math images.

    Comments (-1)
  • Teacher has small group discussion with students

    Math HS 1207-8

    In this video, the teacher poses questions for students to analyze and discuss their mathematical thinking.

    Comments (-1)
  •  Teacher discusses with small group

    Math MS 1200-3

    In this video, the teacher leads a small group to help students identify and correct misconceptions through intentional questioning skills.

    Comments (-1)
  •  Teacher teaching math in front of classroom

    Math MS 1200-4

    In this video, the students work in collaborative groups to solve a task and the teacher poses questions to students to deepen their understanding of the concept.

    Comments (-1)
  • For any questions with this guide or its content, please call Instructional Support at (678) 301-6804.