- Gwinnett County School District
- Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies
Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies
Enhancing Strategy
Technology | Enhancing Strategy
A foundational strategy, Technology facilitates the use of other Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies. This strategy focuses on using digital content (media, text, or activities), resources, and tools to support and personalize teaching and learning of the AKS.
When using this strategy, the teacher will model use of technology resources and empower students to self-select technology tools that will help them learn and allow them to demonstrate and share their learning. The teacher will use technology resources to assist in differentiating content and product for students. Students will use technology resources to access content, facilitate their own learning, and demonstrate their learning.
Technology is not integrating hardware and software into the classroom just for the sake of technology. It is not substituting a digital version for a print version (e.g., online worksheets). The use of technology as a strategy is especially effective when leveraged by the teacher to bring events and activities into the classroom that would not be possible otherwise, in order to extend learning opportunities beyond the school day and to differentiate and personalize instruction based on students’ strengths, interests, and needs.
Look Fors
The Students will…
- consistently select technology tools and use them to build on prior knowledge to help construct meaning to solve problems, to clearly articulate or demonstrate thinking and learning.
The Teacher will…
- make frequent, extensive, and innovative use of technology tools to build knowledge, support higher order learning activities, differentiate and personalize learning, and enable collaboration with peers and outside resources.
- Magaña, S. & Marzano, R.J. (2014). Enhancing the art and science of teaching with technology. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Research Laboratory.
For any questions with this guide or its content, please call Instructional Support at (678) 301-6804.