Department of Secondary Education and Enrichment

  • Bonnie Brush, Assistant Superintendent, Secondary Education and Enrichment

    The Department of Secondary Education and Enrichment provides leadership and support in Curriculum and Instruction. The Department leads the development and implementation of the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS), high-quality instructional materials, and effective instructional practices. Additionally, the Department oversees the district's selection of resources, print and digital, to support teaching and learning of the Academic Knowledge and Skills in each classroom through research-based Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies, ensuring each and every student acquires the knowledge and skills to be successful in college and careers. 

    Secondary Education and Enrichment is committed to acting responsively to the needs of teachers and students to ensure all students have equitable access to instructional programs that maximize their potential. The Secondary Education and Enrichment Department leads and supports high-quality teaching and learning through the modeling and application of:

    • the expectations of the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) for learning,
    • maximization of instructional resources to support the teaching and learning of the AKS while optimizing the use of the Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies,
    • differentiated instruction that is responsive to individual student learning needs,
    • instructional practices that foster critical thinking, collaboration, effective communication, and creativity for each student,
    • professional learning differentiated to model the teaching cycle, and
    • instructional coaching cycles to support continuous quality improvement.


  • Bonnie Brush, Assistant Superintendent Secondary Education and Enrichment