• A key performance indicator (KPI) is a calculable measure used to evaluate the success in meeting objectives for performance. Our KPIs represent a mix of both leading and lagging indicators. Leading indicators are those that point to future events. Conversely, lagging indicators represent outputs, measuring events that have already occurred.  KPI reporting will occur on a bi-annual schedule in August and January, representing data collected for the prior school year. This reporting schedule will ensure the timely delivery of data as they become available.  

    The final strategic plan adopted by the Board in July 2022 includes available baseline data and annual targets for the approved set of KPIs associated with each goal. (Some KPIs will use baseline data collected during the 2022-2023 fiscal year.) District administration will provide regular updates during Board work sessions, sharing the operational progress of individual departments and/or divisions towards the strategic plan priorities, goals, and objectives.


    Watch this video to understand how to read the KPI Dashboard



    Review the Gwinnett County Public Schools KPI Dashboard