- Gwinnett County School District
- Strategic Plan Priorities
Our Blueprint for the Future
Page Navigation
- Introduction
- Portrait of a Graduate
- Strategic Plan Priorities
- Summary of Key Performance Indicators
- KPI Dashboard
- Glossary
- Appendices
Our Blueprint in Action
- July 2023 - Our Blueprint in Action
- August 2023 - Effectiveness in Mill Creek Cluster
- August 2023 - Effectiveness in North Gwinnett Cluster
- September 2023 - Adaptability in the Collins Hill Cluster
- September 2023 - Adaptability in the Grayson Cluster
- October 2023 - Empathy in the Duluth Cluster
- October 2023 - Empathy in the Meadowcreek Cluster
- November 2023 - Student Voice in the Lanier Cluster
- November 2023 - Student Voice in the Shiloh Cluster
- November 2023 - Student Voice in the South Gwinnett Cluster
- December 2023 - Equity in the Norcross Cluster
- December 2023 - Equity in the Special Entities
- January 2024 - Collaborative Leadership in the Peachtree Ridge Cluster
- January 2024 - Collaborative Leadership in the Parkview Cluster
Our Blueprint for the Future Overview
The following sections contain the Blueprint strategic planning details. It is organized by the four strategic priorities: empathy, equity, effectiveness, and excellence. Each strategic priority includes three goals, with objectives and district key performance indicators (KPI). KPIs are the way we will measure success for each goal. We initially considered a broad set of potential measures and settled on the final metrics after gathering stakeholder feedback. The 2022 data will be the baseline year for this five-year strategic plan, and each KPI will have annual targets set from 2023 - 2027.
These strategic priorities, goals, and objectives will be the basis of departments’ and divisions’ operational management plans (OMP). The Blueprint defines the “what” in terms of high-level goals and objectives. The OMPs will detail the “how,” including specific initiatives and action steps that align with this strategic plan. The final plan adopted by the Board in July 2022 includes available baseline data and annual targets for the approved set of KPIs associated with each goal. (Some KPIs will use baseline data collected during the 2022-2023 fiscal year.) District administration will provide regular updates during Board work sessions, sharing the operational progress of individual departments and/or divisions towards the strategic plan priorities, goals, and objectives.
GCPS administration will provide annual reports to share its accomplishments and results compared to yearly targets set for final KPIs in the Blueprint. And the Board has the authority to refine or revise the plan after adoption if they choose to do so.
Strategic Plan Summary
Strategic Priority #1: Empathy
Empathy, the ability to understand the feelings of another person and place yourself in their position, is the entry point towards creating a culture where staff and students feel a sense of belonging and safety.
Goal 1.A—Cultural competence.
Increase the cultural competence and proficiency of our organization and individual staff members to improve service delivery, strengthen programs, and enhance engagement across the full spectrum of our diverse community.
Goal 1.B—Staff and student wellbeing.
Promote student and staff wellbeing through prioritizing self-care, physical and mental health, and social emotional learning.
Goal 1.C—Educator diversity.
Develop robust pipelines and support systems to recruit and retain an educator workforce that reflects the diversity of our students and community.
Strategic Priority #2: Equity
Board Policy BAAE - Educational Equity charged district administration to “design or redesign systemic programs and initiatives to address and reduce educational inequity, providing students and staff with targeted supports and enrichment that increase opportunities to succeed.”
Goal 2.A—Multi-tiered system of supports.
Implement a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize a multi-tiered system of supports to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success.
Goal 2.B—Opportunity and access.
Expand student opportunities to engage in and access high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework (e.g., Advanced Placement and dual enrollment), and enrichment activities (e.g., the arts, gifted, STEM, career technical education).
Goal 2.C—Equitable resource allocation.
Overhaul resource allocation systems and processes to ensure that each school’s instructional, social emotional, and behavior supports match the unique student and community needs.
Strategic Priority #3: Effectiveness
Every system is perfectly designed to get the results that it gets. – W. Edwards Deming
This well-known adage is so simple yet profound. In this new era, the district’s challenge is to sustain the legacy of excellent performance while responding to the diverse needs of a growing community.Goal 3.A—Results-Based Evaluation System.
Redefine the inputs, behaviors, and outcomes that determine the standards for student success as measured by the Results-Based Evaluation System (RBES) to support school improvement and student growth.
Goal 3.B—Talent management.
Transform the human resources function into a strategic talent management organization that supports educators and staff to achieve district goals.
Goal 3.C—Educational return on investment.
Measure and report educational return on investment to inform budget and resource allocation decisions and drive continuous improvement.
Strategic Priority #4: Excellence
Excellence is not optional. To achieve the GCPS mission and vision, excellence is the standard. This strategic priority continues a long-standing ethos in the district to be a world-class organization in service to students and families.
Goal 4.A—Preferred education destination.
Be the first choice of students and families for excellent schools and the employer of choice for educators and staff to fulfill their careers.
Goal 4.B—Post-secondary and workforce readiness.
Prepare each and every student for postsecondary and workforce readiness so that they have multiple pathways to success based on their demonstrated knowledge, skills, abilities, and interests.
Goal 4.C—World-class communication and engagement.
Demonstrate world-class communication and engagement through modeling the value GCPS leadership places on transparent, two-way communication to build stakeholder trust and confidence.
The Next Five Years
Every child deserves an opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills to succeed in college and careers. Every member of Team GCPS plays a crucial role in providing that opportunity for each and every student.
To accomplish the goals articulated in Our Blueprint for the Future, Team GCPS must build upon all we have learned in recent years. Over the next five years, we will build our capacity to execute the priorities, goals, and objectives defined in this plan. Our commitment to empathy, equity, effectiveness, and excellence will manifest in school cultures and climates that embody these strategic priorities.
We will create safe and brave spaces where everyone - students, families, staff, and community partners – feel welcome and have a sense that they belong in GCPS, where we authentically engage in teaching and learning while pursuing excellence for each and every student.
Together, we will realize our vision through our collective action that results in measurable, collective impact, extending the legacy of excellence in GCPS.