Student Discipline Dashboard

  • The Student Discipline Dashboard summarizes district- and school-level discipline data for GCPS. This dashboard provides collective data on in- and out-of-school suspension rates, expulsion, the number of disciplinary incidents, and the number of students receiving disciplinary action.

    School districts in Georgia are required to collect student-level discipline data for state reporting and federal reporting purposes. GCPS staff, families, and community partners can use the dashboard to understand school discipline trends better and collectively address discipline issues to support student success.

    GCPS Leaders are committed to regularly reviewing discipline data to identify patterns and levels of disproportionality along the discipline continuum.

    This dashboard will be updated annually for the public. Annual reviews of this data will inform practices, policies, and systems change to support the priorities and goals of GCPS. However, GCPS staff can access ongoing data to make equitable data-informed decisions regarding student interventions and professional learning opportunities.

    To learn more about student conduct and discipline in GCPS, please visit:

    Student Conduct Behavior Code: Elementary School and Middle/High School

    Guide to Disciplinary Tribunals

    Información Para Los Padres/Tutores Referente A Las Audiencias Disciplinarias

    Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)


    About our Student Discipline Dashboard

    • Hover over any question mark for a definition or more information about what you see on the dashboard.
    • Use the dropdowns to filter the information you see on the dashboard.
    • Data on this dashboard is for the 2021-22 school year.
    • This dashboard will be updated annually.
    • Due to student privacy guidelines, student groups of 15 or less are not shown on the dashboard.

    View public discipline dashboard.



    Families with questions may contact the Office of Student Discipline and Behavioral Interventions at 770-513-6607. Additional information is also included in the Student Conduct Behavior Code found on the Gwinnett County Public Schools website.