• 10th Grade Curriculum

  • Language Arts Sequence

    10th Grade LA: All 10th grade students will take 10th grade Language Arts or Media Literacy in a Global Society.

    Point to Remember:

    All students must take and pass 4 years (8 semesters) of Language Arts courses to graduate.





    Social Studies Sequence

    10th Grade Social Studies: 10th Grade students will take EITHER World History OR AP World History. This is a required core course for graduation.

    Point to Remember:

    All students must take and pass 3 years (6 semesters) of Social Studies courses to graduate

    SS Sequence Overview

  • Science Sequence

    10th Grade Science: 10th Grade students will take Chemistry.

    Point to Remember:

    All students must take and pass 4 years (8 semesters) of science courses which include:

    4th Science Elective


    Other 10th Grade Courses

    The other two class periods will be filled by electives.  Students will have the opportunity to provide input on their elective preferences through the Registration process but will be placed based upon class availability.

    Students should start their Foreign Language sequence during their 10th grade year if they plan on applying to major research universities that prefer three years of the same foreign language.


  • Math Sequence

     Points to Remember:

    All students are required to take four units of mathematics, including Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 or their equivalents for graduation.

    "Accelerated" does not mean "honors" or "gifted." It means that the students will encounter more content at a faster pace. An accelerated course is equivalent to 1 ½ years of content when compared to the non-accelerated course.

    Students are not able to change from a non-accelerated track to an accelerated track in mathematics. However, students are able to decelerate pending parent/student/teacher agreement.

    Mathematics courses are not weighted, other than AP courses (i.e., students cannot get honors credit or receive a grade higher than 100 because of an accelerated class credit).

    Math Sequence Overview Video

  • High School Graduation Requirements