• ELL Department


    We are very proud of our Collins Hill ELL program where we serve students representing 35 different countries and speaking 15 different native languages.

ELL Course Offerings

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Sheltered ELL Courses

  • EL students may take sheltered core courses taught by ESOL-certified teachers, or they may be clustered in courses with ESOL-certified classroom teachers. EL students use the same materials and resources, with supplemental materials to support academic language development, and they take any applicable end-of-course tests.

  • ESOL I Language

    ESOL 1 Language is a comprehensive beginning course in English that develops literacy across the four domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The course focuses on Reading Foundations, Social and Instructional Language, Vocabulary, Grammar and Conventions, Writing, and United States Culture and Values. It is appropriate for students scoring at ACCESS “Level 1—Entering” (first semester) and “Level 2—Emerging” (second semester).

  • ESOL I Literature

    This course is a companion course to ESOL 1 Language and focuses on Reading Literary Text, Reading Informational Text, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Reading Foundations. It is designed to accelerate students’ English language development in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to prepare them for participation in language- and content-intensive core high school courses. This course is appropriate for students scoring at ACCESS “Level 1—Entering” (first semester) and “Level 2—Emerging” (second semester).

  • Language Development in the Content Areas I

    LDC 1 focuses on Reading and Writing in the content areas of Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies to prepare students for participation in language and content-intensive core high school subjects. This course is appropriate for students scoring at ACCESS “Level 1—Entering” (first semester) and “Level 2— Emerging” (second semester).

  • ESOL II Language

    This core Language Arts course develops and supports students’ academic language skills in Language Arts across the four areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This class is aligned with core content for high school Language Arts AKS. This course is appropriate for students scoring at ACCESS “Level 3—Developing.”

  • Language Development in the Content Areas II

    This course develops and supports students’ academic language skills within the content areas of Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies across the four areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Study incorporates AKS content. This course is appropriate for students scoring at ACCESS “Level 2–Emerging” and “Level 3–Developing.”

  • ESOL III Language

    This core Language Arts course develops and supports students’ academic language skills in Language Arts across the four areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This class is aligned with core content for high school Language Arts AKS. This course is appropriate for students scoring at ACCESS “Level 4—Expanding.”

  • Language Development in the Content Areas III

    This course develops and supports students’ academic language skills within the content areas of Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies across the four areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Study incorporates AKS content. This course is appropriate for students scoring at ACCESS “Level 4 - Expanding."

Clubs and Activities


    Asian-American Student Association (AASA)

    Black Student Union 

    Diversity United

    French Club

    German Club

    Hispanic Organization Promoting Education (HOPE)

    Latino Student Association (LSA)

    Muslim Student Association (MSA)

    Spanish Club

ELL Department Chair


    Maggie Harper