Construction & Contracts Engineering

  • Gwinnett Buildings Construction

    Lance Knight Director


    The Department of Construction ensures that quality, cost effective facilities, built correctly to Gwinnett's high standards, are provided in a timely fashion to students and educators. This department manages contracts and coordinates all system projects which cost over $1,000,000 that are being constructed by outside contractors.

  • Gwinnett Facilities Contracts Engineering

    Lance Knight Contract Engineer


    The Contracts Engineering Department monitors and reviews “in-house” and contracted or privatized services, focusing on cost, efficiency, and customer service. This department also develops new contracts that will increase acquisition flexibility, decrease the cost of obtaining the product/service, and improve the overall speed and efficiency of delivering service to the school system customer. All non-system funded (e.g., Booster Club) projects are coordinated through this office to ensure compliance with school system standards and land use plans.

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