• Information and Policies 

  • Mission

    It is the mission of the Collins Hill High School Media Center to create an inclusive environment where we help empower students to become researchers, analyzers, questioners, critical thinkers, and problem-solvers, effective and ethical stewards of information, and above all, enthusiastic and unapologetic readers!

  • Hours of Operation

    The Collins Hill Media Center opens every morning at 6:45 am

  • Resources Available

    The Media Center houses about 12,000 books available for checkout.

    Students may check out up to 3 books simultaneously for 2 weeks. Students may renew as needed if another student has not requested the book in question. 

    Summer check-out: Returning students may check out up to 5 books over the summer! Stop in the media center for details. 

  • Policies

    Students may check out 3 books for 2 weeks at a time. 

    A pass is required to visit the media center throughout the school day. Be sure to sign in and out. 

    Use the Student Support Time app in the portal to reserve space on Tuesdays and Thursdays during Eagle Time. 

    We are open before and after school and are happy to help you in any way we can. 

    Students can place holds on books through the media catalog via the student portal. We will send an email and notify the student's Language Arts teacher when the books are ready for pickup! 


    CHHS Media Center Logo

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