- Seckinger HS
- Student Absent Note
The responsibility of school attendance is that of both parents/families and students. School attendance is important as it underscores the significance of learning and obtaining an education in our ever-evolving society. Regular school attendance also correlates strongly with improved grades and it helps students develop good work habits that will carry over in life. To aid students in being academically successful, attendance is required for attainment of the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) standards. The Superintendent has designated the minimum levels of attendance in procedure consistent with state standards.
GCPS Student Handbook - Attendance
Parent/Guardian should email or send a handwritten note to the attendance office when their child returns from their absence. The note should include the parent/guardian name, student's name, student's ID number, date(s) of the absence, and the reason for the absence. Notes can be emailed to seckingerattendance@gcpsk12.org