The Center for Transforming Instruction will build the capacity of GCPS teachers to support our Powered By programs and expand blended online learning models across the district through specialized training focused on best online learning practices; teachers who complete this professional development will receive all necessary training to serve as a GOC online teacher at their local school to deliver GOC digital content in the blended classroom. Using a variety of blended online learning models, these teachers will serve as the teacher-of-record while also monitoring instruction. The professional development course required to begin this process is called the Gwinnett Online Campus Teaching Institute.
Gwinnett Online Campus Teaching Institute
This course is designed to provide an introduction to the basic functions of Desire to Learn (D2L) which is the learning management system used on our campus to deliver instruction. This learning experience will provide you with the initial background needed to begin teaching online courses. The GOC Teaching Institute is a five week course offered in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. Once completed, participants become eligible to participate in the Student Teaching Experience.
Please contact David Wise, our Center for Transforming Instruction facilitator with any questions.