Senior Letters
Every year we ask parents to work on a project, UNLEASHED MEMORIES, to celebrate the achievements of their graduating senior. SENIOR LETTERS are letters congratulating them as well as wishing them luck for the future. Call your relatives and friends and make this folder something extremely special for your senior son or daughter.
We would like to invite you to write a letter to your senior and any other seniors that are special to you or your family. This time of the year for seniors can be quite hectic, and there is not always time to say the things in your heart. This project gives you the perfect opportunity to “unleash” all the things that you want to say.
We also encourage you to invite any other family members, neighbors, friends of the family, teachers (past and present), etc. to write your senior a letter. We want them to be extremely surprised when they open a letter from you, the neighbor who has watched him/her grow up, the grandparent who lives in another state, the kindergarten teacher who remembers his/her smile, etc. Therefore, we urge you to keep your participation somewhat under wraps.
We hope that you will take part in this project. It is something that we have worked very hard to put together in order to make our memories of Mill Creek and graduating even more special.
Please compile all your seniors’ letters from your family, friends, and teachers in one sealed 9 x 12 envelope or binder. Get your letters organized in any way that you want (binders, folders, keepsake boxes), and then give them to your senior the morning of the Senior Breakfast. Make sure you give your senior the letters in a sealed envelope as we want all the seniors to open them at one time. If your senior does not attend the senior breakfast, then give them the letters anytime in May.
PLEASE NOTE: The school does not collect or distribute senior letters to students.