• Summer PE and Health Classes

  • Mill Creek Community School Summer Health and PE 2024

    May 28-June 18, 2024
    Both classes will be taught online.
    Registration will open on January 2, 2024, and close on May 3, 2024 (or earlier if classes are full).

    Mill Creek Community Summer Health and PE will be taught online on eClass. Although assignments will have due dates to prevent students from getting behind, all course materials and assignments except for the final exam will be available the first day of class and students can work ahead if they want. Additionally, teachers will schedule optional Zoom sessions for students who need assistance. Please note that eClass does not work outside of the United States. If students are traveling internationally, they will not be able to access the class. All coursework and final exams must be completed by June 18.

    This course is a state requirement for graduation. It is also the prerequisite for all other PE classes. If you choose to take PERSONAL FITNESS ONLY during summer, you will need to choose one of the following options on your high school course registration form:          

    • Health / Beginning Weight Training (Boys)
    • Health / Body Sculpting (Girls)

    HEALTH - $250
    This course is a state requirement for graduation.   


    1. I understand that withdrawal from class will occur without a refund for non-completion or disciplinary action.
    2. I accept the responsibility for following all rules and requirements as stated in the Gwinnett County Public Schools student handbook. I expect the procedures that are listed therein to be enforced by the teachers and administrators. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations outlined.
    3. I understand the following refund policy:
      • A non-refundable fee of $25 is assessed for withdrawal less than a week before class begins.
      • No refund after class begins.
    4. I understand the class will be taught online and that no computers, Chromebooks, or other technology or technology support will be provided.
    5. Credit will be given only to students fulfilling academic and completion requirements.


    Registration will open on January 2, 2024 and close on May 3, 2024 (or earlier if classes are full).
    Fee is $250 for one class or $500 for both classes.