Linens N Love

  • About

    We emphasize service-based leadership to create meaningful educational opportunities by training student leaders to coordinate their own deliveries. Students gain professional insight by communicating with hotel managers to request donations. Students manage collecting donations and coordinating with shelters for deliveries. To ensure each volunteer experience is unique and memorable, we go on tours of the shelter after we unload donations, followed by a reflective session in the form of an article or question-and-answer session with volunteers or victims at the shelter.

    Our goal is to donate 100,000 linens to charities in need. Together, we have witnessed how clean bed sheets provide a sense of security and self for a victim escaping domestic violence or a family who’s lost everything from Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Harvey. 

    We are dreamers and doers. All it takes to get started is a little bit of love.


    All meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of every month from 2:30-3:00pm in Mrs. Kari Corbin's room D203 
    September 14
    October 12
    November 9
    December 14
    February 1
    March 1
    April 12
    May 10

    Stay Connected!

    Remind Code: @mchslinens
    Our Instagram is @gco.linensnlove

Club Contact


  • Co-Presidents: Enne Kim and Kayla Hagen
    Secretary: Ryleigh Jenkins
    Media Coordinator: Rachel Anderson
    Treasurer: Hannah Choi