• Science Electives

  • To request to take a science elective, speak with your current science teacher. All science electives are open to rising seniors. Rising juniors may take a science elective as long as there are spaces remaining after seniors are placed in the courses.

  • Anatomy

    Students will learn the subject of human anatomy and physiology and will cover the topics of body orientation, basic chemistry, cells and tissues, skin and body membranes, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system with special senses, endocrine system, circulatory system with blood, body defenses, respiratory system, digestive system including body metabolism, urinary system and a unit on human body reproduction. This course is designed for the college-bound student. Students should expect a demanding daily homework load as well as projects, quizzes, tests, and laboratory write-ups. A high level of understanding in problem-solving and in scientific methods is necessary for success in this course.

    For more information, please email Mrs. Allen at Niesha.Allen@gcpsk12.org


    This is a full-year course designed for students who are interested in Astronomy and may wish to take a course similar to this in college, for non-science majors. This includes topics like: the Earth and Moon, our Solar System, stars, stellar evolution, galaxies, and cosmology.

    For more information, please email Mrs. Allen at Niesha.Allen@gcpsk12.org


    This course is an in-depth study of ecology and is part of Archer’s AgSTEM program. Topics include population ecology, energy flow, cycling of matter, human impact on the environment, and biodiversity. This course is inquiry-based through the lens of science and engineering practices. 

    Prerequisites include college-prep, honors/gifted, and/or AP Biology.

    For more information, please email Mr. Langford at Sean.Langford@gcpsk12.org

    Environmental Science

    This course is an in-depth study of environmental science and is part of Archer’s AgSTEM program. Topics studied include ecology; effects of natural and human activity on land, water, and air; energy resources and conservation; food production, preservation and storage; waste management; pollution and human health; and biotechnology.

    Prerequisites include college-prep, honors/gifted, and/or AP Biology.

    For more information, please email Mrs. Wood at Julie.M.Wood@gcpsk12.org



    Forensic Science is the study of the application of science to the law. This integrated science course is designed to explore the scientific and technological aspects of criminal investigations. Topics will include the study of DNA, glass, blood, fingerprinting, chemical residues, and evidence collection as it relates to forensic issues. Applications to court cases, literature, psychology, and criminology also will be examined.

    For more information, please email Ms. Diamond at Rachel.Diamond@gcpsk12.org



    This two-semester course is designed to give students a strong background in the Ocean Sciences. The course covers a wide range of material encompassed within the field of Oceanography including the physical/chemical ocean as well as some of the organisms living within. Learning involves challenging activities, laboratory activities, field experiences and individual/class projects.

    For more information, please email Mrs. Wood at Julie.M.Wood@gcpsk12.org