- Gwinnett Online Campus
- Role of Student-Parent-Teacher
The Student’s Role
A student at Gwinnett Online Campus must take an active role in learning. Students in grades K-5 will spend most school hours working synchronously with their teachers. Grades 6 - 8 will need to spend a minimum of five and a half hours per day actively working in their courses and should login to classes each school day. High school students are offered more flexibility with their schedules. However, they should plan for at least one hour per course each day to complete the required work. In general, it is best to create a daily study schedule and follow it closely. Students must have access to a computer and reliable Internet access. It is important for students to understand that teachers at Gwinnett Online Campus expect communication on a daily basis. This communication will take place through audio discussions, instant messages, email, phone calls, virtual classrooms, and other technology tools.
Courses at Gwinnett Online Campus are challenging and each student’s academic success will require dedication, responsibility, and motivation on the student’s part. If a student is having difficulty, he or she should let the teacher and parent know right away. Students should be familiar with the student handbook and follow all guidelines.
The Teacher’s Role
The teaching staff at Gwinnett Online Campus is dedicated to student success. Gwinnett Online Campus teachers use Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies and best practices in online teaching to make the courses interesting and engaging to our learners. The teaching staff is comprised of highly trained experts in their subject areas and they participate in on-going staff development to continue delivering a high level of instruction.
Online teachers are dedicated to serving the needs of each student to provide the individual support he or she needs. If students are having difficulty, the teacher will provide extra help through tutoring or online help sessions. If additional support is needed, face-to-face meetings with teachers will be scheduled.
The Parent’s Role
Parents have an active role in the online learning community, much like they do at traditional schools. Parents are encouraged to engage with their children by monitoring their progress and communicating regularly with teachers. Parents should help plan a daily schedule for their child. They should plan to check on the child throughout the day and help the student stay on schedule. Once a student learns the daily routine and becomes an engaged online learner, a parent should be able to expect more independence. Parents should follow the published general school calendar to ensure students are present for all face to face scheduled testing.