• Check In

    Students arriving at school following the 7:00 AM bell need to check in at the Attendance Office and will be considered tardy. A parent/guardian is not required to check a student in. 

    Excused Check-Ins:

    To be considered for an excused check-in, please send or email a note to the attendance office including the following information:

    • Student name and ID
    • Reason for the late check-in
    • Date
    • Parent/guardian phone number
    • Medical or court documentation, if applicable

    Students arriving late to school without proper documentation will be considered unexcused. Failure to check in at the Attendance Office may cause the student to be considered AWOL from class. 

  • Check Out

    Students who need to leave campus during the day must check out through the Attendance Office in the back of the school building. No student will be released until contact with parent/guardian is made. Students who do not follow this procedure will be considered AWOL and may receive appropriate consequences. 

    Check Out Procedure:

    • Parents, guardians, or verified emergency contacts must enter through the Attendance Office in the back of the building. You must bring a proper ID in order to check out a student. 
      • Parents are not required to come inside if verification has been made over the phone with the Attendance Clerk.
    • Student Drivers: Parents or guardians of student drivers that wish to check out their students early may do so by calling the Attendance Office or sending a note.
      • If Calling: Please call by 8am to allow time to verify.
      • If Sending a Note: The student must bring it to the Attendance Office by 7am in order for the check out to be verified. The note should include the student's full name, student ID, date, check-out time, reason for the check out, parent signature and phone number(s) for verification.

      *Students are not allowed to check out after 1:15 p.m. OR during final exams.

    • Excused Absences

        General Information

        State law requires school attendance for students ages 7 to 16. Gwinnett County Board of Education Policy states that students will be excused from school under the following circumstances:

        1. Personal illness or Doctor/Dentist appointment.

        2. Serious illness or death in the immediate family.

        3. Court order. Documentation must be attached.

        4. Religious holidays.

        5. Unsafe conditions (inclement weather).

        6. Voter registration.

        The only excused reasons for absences, check-ins, and check-outs are those listed above and verified through the following formal documentation: Doctor or hospital notes, court or government mandated papers, funeral brochures or programs.


        The student must bring a parent/guardian or doctor’s note to the Attendance Office within 2 days of returning to school. Without proper documentation, an absence will be considered unexcused. The note should include the following:

        • Student full name
        • Student ID
        • Date
        • Reason for absence
        • Parent/guardian signature
        • Parent/guardian phone number for verification
        • Medical/court documentation, if applicable 

      • AWOL Information

        Absent Without Leave

        Once a student arrives on campus, the student is considered to be at school and must obtain permission to leave campus for any reason by checking out in the Attendance Office, even if classes have not yet begun. You are considered AWOL and subject to behavior consequences if you:

        • Fail to check-in after 7:00 am
        • Leave campus without checking out
        • Are absent from school without parent/guardian permission
        • Skip a portion of a class, a full class, or several classes
        • Are out of class without a pass from your teacher
        • Fail to go to the cafeteria area during your lunch period
        • Go to your vehicle without permission
        • Are in an unassigned area of the school without permission

      Basic Information for the Attendance Office

        • Attendance Office phone 470-323-3628

        • Teléfono de la Oficina de Asistencia (Habla Español) 470-323-3650

        • Correo electrónico: PDSHSAttendanceOffice@gcpsk12.org


        Are you a parent who wants more information about your student? Please set up your Parent Square Account for more communication:




      Contact Information

      • Attendance Office Email: PDSHSAttendanceOffice@gcpsk12.org

        Attendance Office Phone:

        (470) 323-3628 


        (470) 323-3650 (Español)


        Please note that there are No Check outs after 1:15 pm due to logistical issues.