• Summer Hours Starting on 5/30/23

    7:30am- 3:30pm 

    Supply Lists:

    Please review the supply lists for the 2022 - 2023 school year. Thank you!

    6th Grade Supply List

    7th Grade Supply List

    8th Grade Supply List

    Attention Rising 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Families: Order your School Supply Kits for Next School Year by JULY 17TH:


    The Coleman PTA is partnering with a School Supply Company called "My Easy School Supply" to offer school supply kits containing the requested brands, colors, and quantities of supplies as specified by your Coleman teachers. Just simply scan the below QR code on the digital flyer or click on the following link . Enter your school's zip code and select the school. Your order will be delivered directly to your school. Purchasing these school supply kits is completely OPTIONAL, but it may save you the hassle of shopping for each item individually. These kits are made with high quality supplies from well known brands and are available at discounted prices. The order deadline is July 17th.


    If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at colemanwildcatspta@gmail.com.


    Thank you Administrators, Teachers, Support Staff, Parents, Family Members, and Students for supporting our Coleman PTA through your donations and volunteer time!  YOU ALL are the reason for our success in supporting all the needs of Coleman Middle School.  Congratulations to our 8th Graders on completing Middle School!  We look forward to seeing all of our Rising 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders at "Meet Your Teacher Day" at the beginning of the new school year!  Have an amazing summer full of fun and relaxation!


    Your Coleman PTA