- Coleman MS
About Our STEAM Program
Information and Sign-up Link for Our Coleman PBL Showcase
The Coleman Experience: What should I expect?
Coleman Experience Showcase Video
The Coleman Experience: Our Instructional Framework
If you are an educator and would like an opportunity to see our STEAM program in action, please contact:Chandra Brandel, STEAM Coordinatorchandra.brandel@gcpsk12.org678-407-7405
What problems are students solving at Coleman?
2024 - 2025 Driving Questions
Driving Questions for Semester One:
6th Grade: How can we as city planners develop Duluth through sustainable community projects?
7th Grade: How can we enhance Duluth to create an active, healthy, and sustainable community?
8th Grade: How can we as citizens make our community more efficient?
2023 - 2024 Driving Questions
2023-20246thQ1 - How can we design affordable and high-quality housing for the Duluth Community?Q2 - Should the Duluth community implement solar powered public transportation?Q3 - How can we as designers create apparel appropriate for a chosen setting?Q4 - How can we communicate with possible extraterrestrial life?7thQ1 - How can we as citizens of Duluth use our strengths to improve a local problem?Q2 - How can we as global citizens creatively address or solve food insecurity?Q3 - How can we use AI technology to positively change our lives?Q4 - How can we improve for animals that live in captivity and those that live in the wild?8thQ1 - How can we help Duluth prosper?Q2 - How can we use the arts to share our stories about change and resiliency?Q3 - How would modern Georgia be transformed if a current technology was introduced in the past?Q4 - How can we as beverage entrepreneurs create a unique drink? -
2022 - 2023 Driving Questions
Q1 - How can we design and maintain a garden that supports the Duluth community?
Q2 - How can we design a sustainable community?
Q3 - How can we upcycle apparel that is both climate appropriate and stylish?
Q4 - What innovative product will people of the future need to live in space?7thQ1- How can we ensure that the Duluth Public Library has enough water for their landscaping?Q2 - How can Coleman students use the arts to express their STEAM learning to the community?Q3 - How can we show that populations change as they adapt to new environments?Q4 - How can we protect the balance of Georgia's ecosystem from invasive species?8thQ1 - How can we design sustainable transportation to move people and goods safely in Georgia?Q2 - How can we express our perspective of conflict using folk art?Q3 - How can we compose a cover of Civil Rights era music to inspire change in society?Q4 - How can we, as beverage entrepreneurs, develop and market a unique drink for a target demographic? -
2021 - 2022 Driving Questions
Driving Questions 2021 - 2022 Coleman Middle School
Quarter 1:
6th Grade: How can we design and build housing solutions for the Duluth community?
7th Grade: How can we enhance Duluth to create an active, healthy, and sustainable community?
8th Grade: How can we support mental wellness in our communities?
2020 - 2021 Driving Questions
Driving Questions 2020-2021
Quarter 1:
6th Grade: How can we design solutions for protecting natural resources in the Duluth community?
7th Grade: How can we protect organisms from the harmful effects of local water pollution?
8th Grade: How can we harness change to prepare our community for a more sustainable future?
Genius Hour and Music Technology: How can we as music producers and project creators compose music that creates interest and enhances the theme of a chosen project?
Visual Arts and Spanish: How can I express my identity through a self portrait using inspiration from Frida Kahlo?
Theater and Dance: How can I enhance a performance by blending elements of theater and dance?
Orchestra and Piano Techniques: How can we enhance “Ga on my mind” through the creation of melodic and/or rhythmic variations.
Health/Band/Engineering: How can engineering, health, and band students explore musical instrument aerosols to avoid or reduce health risks for instrumentalists through the innovation of PPE?
Quarter 2:6th Grade: How can we share the culture and traditions of a country with our community members? How can we respond effectively to natural disasters?
7th Grade: How can we design a sustainable community on Mars?
8th Grade: How can we create a strategic game to amplify the underrepresented voices of history?
Quarter 3:
6th Grade: How can we design apparel that is both climate appropriate and stylish?
7th Grade: How can we develop a character that influences social justice?
8th Grade: Using our understanding of chemistry, how can we create an affordable recipe highlighting a Georgia grown ingredient?
2019-20 Driving Questions
4th quarter Driving Questions:
6th Grade:
- How can we as global citizens respond to climate change affecting Australia?
7th Grade:
- How can we improve habitats for animals living in captivity?
8th Grade:
- How can I create a business to market a beverage for the Duluth Community?
3rd quarter Driving Questions:
6th Grade:
- How can we contribute to making clean water a reality?
7th Grade:
- How can we promote biodiversity in urban areas?
8th Grade:
- How do we use forensics to solve a crime?
2nd quarter Driving Questions
6th Grade:
- How can we as urban developers design a community that minimizes the human impact on Earth's surface?
7th Grade:
- How can we design a sustainable community on Mars?
8th Grade:
- How can I artistically share my vision for Georgia's future based on the stories of Georgia's past?
1st quarter Driving Questions
6th Grade:
- How can I as an environmentally conscious person effectively reduce my carbon footprint?
7th Grade:
- How can we demonstrate the impact of water on cells?
8th Grade:
- How can we help people or animals survive in extreme temperatures?
2018-19 Driving Questions
Fourth Quarter:
6th Grade: How can I conserve resources and preserve planet Earth?
7th Grade: How can we improve habitats for animals in captivity?
8th Grade: Coleman Experience ProjectThird Quarter:
6th Grade: How do we as energy consumers actively respond to weather phenomena that affects a community?
7th Grade: How can we decrease the rate of harmful environmental change in order to sustain biodiversity?
8th Grade: How do we use science to solve a crime?Second Quarter:
6th Grade: How can we as urban developers design a community that minimizes the human impact on the Earth’s surface?
7th Grade: How can we implement our plan to create a sustainable system to grow plants that benefit mankind?
8th Grade: How can we design a pedestrian bridge that meets the needs of the Duluth community?First Quarter:
6th Grade:How can we as environmentally conscious people effectively reduce our carbon footprint?
7th Grade:How can we design a sustainable system that optimizes plant growth in areas of low precipitation?
8th Grade: How can we use energy transfer to create a product that benefits humanity? -
2017-18 Driving Questions
Fourth Quarter:
Students will be committing to their own driving question through their Passion Genius Hour project.
Third Quarter:
6th Grade: How do we respond to a weather phenomena that affects a community?
7th Grade: How can we proactively mitigate the honey bee population?8th Grade: How do we use science to save the falsely accused?
Second Quarter:
6th Grade: How can we as citizens of Duluth solve soil and land conservation issues for select city projects to improve quality of life for ourselves and future generations?
7th Grade: How can we use genetics to design a community on Mars?
8th Grade: How can we design a pedestrian bridge that meets the needs of the Duluth community?
First Quarter:6th Grade: How do we as environmental engineers design, build, and evaluate solutions for a “tiny house” in a European community using the most efficient conservation methods?
7th Grade: How can we as CDC public health analysts research and provide information about bacterial transmission?
8th Grade: How can we as engineers design an adaptable transportation system that can efficiently, safely and economically transport goods from North Georgia? -
2016-17 Driving Questions
First Quarter:
6th Grade- How do we as architects design and build a tiny home using renewable and nonrenewable resources to conserve the most amount of energy?
7th Grade-What could the local government officials of Duluth do to create a more sustainable community?
8th Grade- How can we solve real world problems through the analysis of matter?Second Quarter:
6th Grade- How can we as global citizens analyze the impact of a natural disaster to inform our community and encourage participation in local disaster relief efforts?
7th Grade- How can we as CMS Students demonstrate how to solve food challenges in our local and global communities?
8th Grade- How can we as engineers design a track system that transports objects as quickly and safely as possible?Third Quarter:
6th Grade- How do we as a broadcast team report, predict, and inform future weather patterns for a major weather event affecting a community in Latin America?
7th Grade- How can we create a model that demonstrates how organisms change over time to predict population changes and/or future adaptations of that organism?
8th Grade- How can we design and build a bowling lane or alley in 1929 Georgia to market it to families and women?Fourth Quarter:
6th Grade- How can we as water resource engineers develop innovative techniques to address environmental concerns plaguing the Great Barrier Reef?
7th Grade- As a biologist or environmental engineer what can we do to mitigate bee colony collapse and inform our community of its impact?
8th Grade- As an entrepreneur, what new electronic device can you create for people with a disability that maximizes profit and public interest?