- Cedar Hill ES
- Principal's Message
Titans Bulletin from Mr. Patino
June 3, 2024
Cedar Hill Elementary School Community,
I am honored to have the opportunity to introduce myself to you as the Principal of Cedar Hill Elementary School. Upon my arrival at Cedar Hill, I found a school that has a reputation for supporting each and every student, committing itself to all families and community members, and dedicating itself to its teachers and staff.
As an educator for over thirty-three years, the one belief that has stuck with me as what is most important in education is, “What is best for kids.” In every action we take as teachers, administrators, staff and even parents, my wondering and accountability will always be centered around “What is best for kids.”
From the moment that our students arrive at school until the moment they leave, our charge at Cedar Hill Elementary is to assure that all students feel safe. Through this feeling of safety, there are a myriad of opportunities for learning. In turn, in my support of our teachers at Cedar Hill Elementary, we look to provide each and every one of our students with a comprehensive Tier I level of instruction. We are then expected to provide for our students remediation and enrichment to assure that they have been given the best possible opportunities for learning. This sets us up to meet each and every student where they are as learners, and it is through data dives and the evaluation of student work where our teachers get to know our students as scholars; furthermore, it is through the PBIS program as well as the morning meetings and restorative circles where our teachers get to know our students personally.
Our intention is to also engage our parents in this learning journey. With your support as a partner, we will be able to reach our students in ways that we cannot if you, our parents, are unable to partner with our teachers, staff and administration. So join us to support our students and our school.
After thirty-three years in education, having worked in Private and Public schools as well as having worked at every level from elementary to college, primarily as an English teacher, I have had many experiences that have prepared me for this job as Principal of Cedar Hill Elementary School. In my family, education is at the forefront of what we believe: My wife Lisa is the Media Specialist at BB Harris in Duluth, my daughter Sula attends Georgia Tech, my step-son Cooper attends Georgia Southern, my son Walker attends Norcross High School and my step-daughter Bella attends North Gwinnett High School. We see education as a preparatory experience to set one up for the next step in life.
My intent as the Principal of Cedar Hill Elementary is to provide for our teachers the necessary tools to support all of our students. In turn, to support all of our students by caring for them and by demonstrating the willingness to go the extra mile to assure they have acquired the knowledge and skills. With these opportunities in place, and with a partnership with our families, we can provide for our students the best learning experiences and set the conditions to do what is best for kids.
Thank you for indulging my message and I look forward to having the opportunity to meet each and every one of you. Please do not be a stranger and know that our door is always open, our phone lines are always open, and our email service is always open.
Thank You For All Of Your Support,
Tony Patino