- Cedar Hill ES
- Milestones Testing
Milestones Testing
Websites to help student practice for Georgia Milestones Testing
Please view the Experience Online Testing site using Google Chrome as your browser. This application is not supported for use in Internet Explorer. This site is available daily from 7 AM to 10 PM Eastern time.
Test Practice Directions
- Click on the white "Online Tools" words beneath the GREEN "End of Grade."
- Click on the white words "EOG Test Practice" on the top left corner.
- Click on Standard Online tools
- Click on Grades 3-5
- Sign in with the username and password they give you on the screen
- Click the Continue button and work your way through the practice area.
IXL offers practice- Select the grade level and subject near the top of the page.
Learning Farm has practice items for all grade levels as well.
Education Galaxy- You can also log in using your account. Your student number is the username and the password is your grade level 6 times. This will give you extra practice as well.
Lumos Learning- free site with extra practice
Gwinnett County Schools Milestones Information- Information from Gwinnett County on Georgia Milestones Testing including dates of testing for each grade level.