• Counseling Program Mission Statement

    Cedar Hill School Counselors, we are a community  dedicated to achievement for all students through academic, social-emotional, and career success.

    Counseling Beliefs


    • Students come first in the school counseling program.
    • Our school and community are responsible to teach all students to value education and life-long learning.
    • Our school provides all students with the attitudes, knowledge and skills to be college and career ready.
    • Our school provides a positive environment where mutual respect and individual responsibility are learned and practiced.
    • All students, regardless of their diverse learning abilities, can learn and achieve to their maximum potential.
    • Our school counselor provides a comprehensive school counseling program driven by needs data and best practices
    • Our school counselor adheres to the ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors.


    A comprehensive school counseling program serves all students, includes large and small group counseling, provides classroom guidance classroom lessons that follow the American School Counselors Association Standards and Competencies, incorporates short-term individual counseling, and works with all stakeholders: parents, teachers, and community

    A school counselor is an educator who advocates for the student at school,  works with teachers and parents to provide helpful suggestions and support for children’s needs, provides classroom lessons for every class, helps in identifying academic and social/emotional needs of children, helps children understand themselves and others, provides information about community resources that would benefit children, makes referrals to outsides agencies, and provides parents with resources and information.

    Sending Emails

    Contact us:

    Maret Pascahal - maret.paschal@gcpsk12.org

    DaNai Black - DaNai.Black@gcpsk12.org

Counseling Offerings

  • Classroom Lessons

    We teach classroom lessons to all students in grades K-5.  Lessons follow a core curriculum that focuses on three domains: academic, career, and social/emotional.  Topics include taking responsibility for actions, having respect for self and others, basic life skills (i.e. communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and conflict resolution), and academically related skills (i.e. listening, time management, organization, and test-taking skills).Following GCPS School Counselor and the American School Counselor Associations Standards and Competencies.  

    During digital learning, Gwinnett County School Counselors will continue supporting students' academic success, career development, and social-emotional growth, utilizing Zoom and Google Meet for individual meetings, conferences, presentations, groups, and classroom lessons/activities.  

  • Individual Counseling

    We see students on an individual basis if they need assistance in dealing with a concern related to home or school. Students may request to see the counselor, or they may be referred by teachers or parents. Individual Counseling is brief and time-limited. If your child requires more extensive individual counseling, we would be happy to refer you to providers outside of the school system.

  • Small Group Counseling

    Students are sometimes referred by their teacher or the Student Support Team (SST) to participate in small group counseling. The small group provides each student with the support of his/her peers and the counselor to help develop his/her potential. These groups offer students opportunities to increase self-awareness, improve academic success, and learn problem solving skills. Some small group session topics include but are not limited to: anger management, study skills, successful school behavior, grief, social skills, self esteem, and family changes. 

    During digital learning, Gwinnett County School Counselors will continue supporting students' academic success, career development, and social-emotional growth, utilizing Zoom and Google Meet for individual meetings, conferences, presentations, groups, and classroom lessons/activities.  

  • Parent and Teacher Consultation

    We serve as consultants to parents, teachers, administrators, and community agencies in a variety of ways. We often speak with parents about concerns regarding their child or family circumstances in order to offer support. Additionally, we collaborate regularly with students' teachers and administrators in order to help provide students with the best possible education, and participate in helping students as part of the Student Support Team (SST) process.. There are also times when counselors communicate with other community agencies in order to best serve the needs of our students and school, for example community programs that provide support to families.  

    During digital learning, Gwinnett County School Counselors will continue supporting students' academic success, career development, and social-emotional growth, utilizing Zoom and Google Meet for individual meetings, conferences, presentations, groups, and classroom lessons/activities.  

  • Special Programs

    We organize several programs throughout the school year including Attendance Programs, College Awareness Events, Career Day and Careers on Wheels, Terrific Titans Recognition Breakfast, Gwinnett’s Great Days of Service, Red Ribbon Week, Safety Patrol, and Care Team and a Weekend Food Bag Program. For questions about any of these programs, please contact your student's counselor.