• Dacula High School’s dress code is designed to maintain an academic focus in the classroom and on campus. Before coming to school, students and parents should ensure the student’s clothing meets the following dress code guidelines. If, in the judgment of the administration or staff, a student’s attire is likely to cause distraction or disruption, the student is required to change clothing. Dress code is enforced upon student’s arrival to school until 2:10pm.


    Head coverings can prevent identification of students in emergencies.

    • Head coverings or apparel/objects that partially or fully cover or obscure the face or head are not to be worn on school premises during normal school hours. This includes, but is not limited to, hoods, caps, hats, scarves, ski masks, wave caps, bandanas, bonnets, and sunglasses. Exceptions may be made for religious or medical reasons, to be granted by the principal or principal’s designee. 

    Excessive exposure of skin is not conducive to an appropriate learning  environment.


      • Blouses/shirts may not expose cleavage and must extend to cover the naval. 

      • No strapless shirts of any kind may be worn during the school day.  This includes shirts that are meant to be worn off the shoulder---these are not allowed and all shirts worn must have straps on both shoulders.

      • Undergarments: No undergarments should be visible at any time.  No sleeveless undershirts of any kind may be worn as outerwear during the school day. 

      • Shorts/Skirts/Pants/Dresses: Shorts must cover the buttocks. Skirts and dresses should be six inches or less from the crease at the back of the knee. Waistlines should rest on or above the hips with no undergarment of any kind showing. 

    Inappropriate language and/or images are not conducive to a professional learning environment.

    • Words or symbols: Clothing shall not display words or symbols that advocate, depict, or imply: weapons, violence, racial overtones, drugs, alcohol, sex, gang affiliation, illegal activity, or anything that suggests inappropriate language or actions.

    • Gang: Students are not allowed to display clothing or symbols that have been identified as being gang-related. Garments, jewelry, body art, and tattoos that communicate gang affiliation shall not be worn at school.

    • Shoes: Must be worn at all times

    • Jewelry or accessories: Jewelry or accessories that may be used as weapons are not allowed to be worn on campus. 

    The principal or his/her designee may, for specific reasons, make individual exceptions to the DHS dress code.