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Final Transcript Requests

Final Transcript Request Process (May 2024)

Please read all the instructions below to request a final transcript.  
Final transcripts will not be available for pickup until June 26-July 7. Pick-ups will resume on July 8.
No transcripts will be sent via Naviance during the summer.

Sending a final transcript to the college you are attending is REQUIRED and your responsibility.
If attending a tech school, college, or university, please choose which way you will send the final transcript.

Order FINAL transcripts through MyPaymentsPlus for in-state or out-of-state colleges (available now)

1. Official transcripts are $5.00.
2. Go to Events and Activities in My Payments Plus. Select FINAL transcript. Follow the instructions and submit your payment.
3. Come to Mill Creek AFTER June 12th to pick up your printed, sealed, and stamped official final transcript.
4. Address the envelope and mail your transcript to your college. Mill Creek cannot mail your transcript directly to your college.

Order FINAL transcripts through GAFutures (only available for colleges in the state of Georgia)

1. Log into your GAFutures account.  Please make sure you know how to do this BEFORE school ends.  Counselors do not work over the summer and will not be available to assist you.
Do NOT request your transcript until AFTER June 12, 2024. GCPS does not submit your Final Transcript to GaFutures until June, so if you request your transcript before June 12th it will be your OLD transcript from January.
Follow THESE directions AFTER June 12, 2024.
f, for some reason, you are unable to send your transcript through GaFutures, follow the directions above for MyPaymentsPlus transcript requests and simply mail your official transcript to your college.