- Richards MS
- Housing Resources
Housing Resources
Family Promise Gwinnett
Must be a Gwinnett County resident to apply. An adult member of the family can call and speak with a case manager for an initial phone screening. Depending on availability, the family will be contacted for a face-to-face interview. If the family meets the program criteria, the family will be invited into the program. The overall process can take five to ten business days. Instead of living at a fixed-site shelter, families — up to four in two rotations — stay each week at a different church or synagogue in the Family Promise of Gwinnett Network. All guests accepted into the program may be eligible to receive phone and Internet access; assistance with housing and employment searches; opportunities for job training; daycare assistance; budget management, credit counseling, and parenting and nutrition workshops.
Georgia Affordable Housing Search
Georgia Department of Community Affairs
If you're a Georgia renter who has fallen behind on rent payments as of March 13, 2020, you may qualify for assistance. The Georgia Rental Assistance Program can provide up to 18 months of rental and utility assistance, paid directly to participating landlords and service providers on behalf of tenants. See if you qualify.
Home of Hope (Gwinnett Children’s Shelter)
Residential care facility which provides services for homeless children from 0-17 years of age along with their young mothers. We also provide care and services for homeless girls aging out of the foster care system at 18 years of age.
HomeSafe Georgia
770-806-2100 or toll-free 1-877-519-4443
Federally funded and state-operated, HomeSafe Georgia offers three government mortgage programs to qualified homeowners based on need:
- Mortgage Payment Assistance: Provides assistance to those who have experienced unemployment or underemployment hardship in the last 36 months.
- Mortgage Reinstatement Assistance: Provides assistance to those in need of mortgage help who have suffered a military, medical or death-related hardship in the last 36 months.
- Mortgage Payment Reduction: Provides mortgage modification to those who have experienced a significant permanent reduction of income in the last 36 months.
The applicant in need of mortgage assistance must live in Georgia, be the homeowner (the person listed on the security deed) or the spouse of the homeowner, and meet a set of eligibility requirements unique to a HomeSafe Georgia mortgage program. Additionally, the spouse (if applicable) and all homeowners and borrowers legally bound to the property must cooperate in the application process.
Once the online application is completed, you must download and print the documents, complete and sign where indicated, collect the supporting documentation on the checklist, and fax, mail or deliver the application package to HomeSafe Georgia.
Lawrenceville Housing Authority
Lawrenceville Housing Authority
The Housing Authority of the City of Lawrenceville (LHA) offers affordable rental units for low-income families.
At this time, the Lawrenceville Housing Authority may not be accepting new application for public housing. Please check the website for potential openings.
Partnership Against Domestic Violence
Partnership Against Domestic Violence
24 hour crisis line, emergency shelter and other support for domestic violence victims/families.
The Quinn House
Residential Program offers a 40-day Drug and Alcohol Program (can house approximately 24 individuals/males only).
Provides food, clothing, and other assistance to people in need.
Rainbow Village, Inc
Rainbow Village is a long-term program of self-help and self-sufficiency and not simply a place to seek shelter. Families are required to become an active part of their educational program and actively involved in the Rainbow Village community. The program requires commitment and accountability.
Before families can even apply, it must be determined if you clearly meet the federal definition of homelessness, which is:
People who are living in a place not meant for human habitation, in emergency shelter, in transitional housing, or are exiting an institution where they temporarily resided.
People who are losing their primary nighttime residence, which may include a motel or hotel or a doubled-up situation, within 14 days and lack resources or support networks to remain in housing.
Families with children or unaccompanied youth who are unstably housed and likely to continue in that state.
People who are fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, have no other residence and lack the resources or support networks to obtain other permanent housing.
If you match that definition then you also must match all of these qualifications:
Must be a resident of Georgia for at least 30 days.
Must be willing and able to work.
Must have reliable transportation.
Must have custody of at least one child.
SaltLight Center
If you are in need of shelter today, please go through our screening process by calling 678-376-8950. Referrals accepted Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.
The SaltLight Center is an emergency homeless shelter for women and children in Gwinnett County.
Overnight shelter open from 6:30 pm to 7 am.
To enter the center all adults ages 18 and up need a photo ID (either a passport, state-issued driver’s license or state issued identification card).
We accept boys with their mothers up to age 17.
No drugs, alcohol, or weapons are allowed.
You must be clean and sober to enter the center.
The center is a night shelter, open to guests Monday through Friday from 7 pm to 7 am. Guests can stay from 1 to 7 nights a calendar year.
Salvation Army
If you are currently facing a personal or financial crisis, you may schedule and appointment at 770.724.1661 or call 211* for a list of other Metro Area resources. Appointments are scheduled Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
It has been recommended by Gwinnett Helpline Staff that families start calling around 6:30-7:00 am and leave a message in hopes of getting a call back to make an appointment.
Programs include: (1) Financial Emergency Services Centers provide emergency and life-sustaining assistance with food, clothing, rent/mortgage, utilities, school supplies and furniture to individuals and families facing a financial crisis and (2) Home Sweet Home program seeks to reach out to newly homeless families or those at risk of imminent homelessness.
St. Vincent de Paul Society of Georgia
St. Vincent De Paul Society of GA
Contact the main assistance line above for direct help or submit a request online through the above website.
The SVP Society provides financial assistance for a range of needs including Rent and housing, Utilities, Food, Medical/Dental/Prescriptions, Counseling, Legal fees, Transportation, and Burials.
Hope Atlanta / the Programs of Travelers Aid
Must meet eligibility and have certain documents. Please call first.
Programs and Services include Reunification, PATH & Street Outreach, Emergency Housing, Homeless Prevention & Rapid Re-Housing, Supportive Housing, Gwinnett County Shelter + Care Program, HIV/AIDS (HOPWA) Assistance, Supportive Services for Veterans & their Families, and Domestic Violence Assistance.
General Help Lines
First Call for Help (United Way)
211 or 404-614-1000
Gwinnett Helpline
GCPS does not endorse or recommend any of the above agencies, as this list is for informational use only. Any fees incurred are the responsibility of the parent and/or student. This is not a complete list of food pantry resources in Gwinnett or the Metro Atlanta Area. Please check with other sources of information for additional resources.