- Richards MS
- Overview
Carnegie Credit Information for 8th Grade Students
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We have reached the end of the year for our 8th graders and it is time to make some decisions about their courses moving into high school.
This year a number of our 8th graders were enrolled in various high school courses for which they have the option to accept Carnegie Credit. What that means is, they have the option to accept high school credit for those courses, which will then be added to their high school transcript.
Attached you will find a direction to electronically document your decision through the Parent Portal.
Carnegie Credit acceptance documentation is due in the portal by May 31.
Eligibility recommendations are listed below. Please feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher or the 8th grade assistant principal with any questions you may have. Thanks so much!
Eligibility Requirements & Recommendation
Physical Science
Student must have passed both semesters with a 70 average or above.
We recommend taking the Carnegie Credit if your student meets that requirement.
Algebra I
Student must have passed both semesters with an 80 average or higher. If students ACCEPT the Carnegie Credit for Algebra I, they will be placed into Geometry in 9th grade and will NOT have the option to change that decision. Once credit is taken, the course cannot be repeated.
We recommend taking the credit for Algebra I ONLY if your student feels they have a solid foundation for moving forward in their math courses in high school.